The final conference of the SAVE project took place in Bologna, Italy, on February the 10th 2023.
The even, hosted at the Department of Psychology of the University of Bologna, was a great opportunity to present to a wide audience of students, academics and professionals the results of the project but also to hear contributions and experiences of other professionals and organizations working in the field of abuse prevention.
The agenda of the event included presentations of project outcomes and results by Licia Boccaletti (ANS) and Stefano Grassi (CADIAI), the two italian partners, followed by key-note presentations by Prof. Rabhi Chattat (University of Bologna), Ms Monica Dotti (sociologist from the Health Service Executive in Modena) and Prof. Paola Ferrari from SUPSI – Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana.
The event was moderated by Salvatore Milianta, lawyer and trainer in the SAVE project.
Download the agenda of the event